We publish our original catalogue "BOKUSAI" biannually in March and September. "BOKUSAI" offers mainly Japanese antique kakemono or hanging scrolls, panels and other selected items. If you would like to receive a catalogue, please let us know via the form below. If you have any specific artists or items you are interested in or looking for, let us know by remarks column.
*We publish "BOKUSAI" catalogue for the purpose of selling. Therefore please refrain from requesting a catalogue for just looking purpose. We reserve the right to suspend sending the catalogues when we did not receive any inquiries or orders from the customer in certain period.
October 2020
BOKUSAI Vol. 27 | |
Artists | Soami, Kano Utanosuke, Soga Sanchoku, Kano Tanyu, Ungo Kiyo, Shun'oku Soen, Hakuin Ekaku, Torei Enji, Sengai Gibon, Imei Shukei, Gensei-shonin, Fugai Honko, Kobayashi Kokan, Ryokan, Ko Yugai, Rennyo-shonin, Junnyo-shonin, Otani Kozui, Otani Kubutsu, Kaneko Daiei, Tada Kanae, Kano Ikkei, Ogata Kenzan, Ogata Korin, Suzuki Kiitsu, Sakai Doitsu, Nakamura Hochu, Sakaki Hyakusen, Ike Taiga, Ike Gyokuran*, Sakurai Sessen, Katori Nahiko, Katayama Yokoku, Shirakawa Shizan, Mori Ippo, Azuma Toyo, Maruyama Okyo, Nagasawa Rosetsu, Maruyama Okyo, Goshun, Mori Sosen, Ganku, Soga Shohaku, Oda Shitsushitsu*, Kato Bunrei, Tani Buncho, Takahashi Sohei, Tanomura Chikuden, Hoashi Kyou, Okada Beisanjin, Nijo Tamesaga, Oda Nobunaga, Ihara Saikaku, Matsuo Basho, Shibata Zeshin, Hanaoka Seishu, Rai Sanyo and more *female artist |