• Haiku - Japanese Poem
Haiku - Japanese Poem
Item Number : 21051
Artist Natsume Soseki
Title Haiku - Japanese Poem
Biography Natsume Soseki(1867-1916) was a novelist born in Tokyo. Graduated from Tokyo Imperial University. Studied haiku under Masaoka Shiki in his undergraduate days. Became an English teacher at Matsuyama jounior high school and Kumamoto the fifth prefectural high school. Later studied abroad in England on a government scholarship. Returning to Japan, became a lecturer in English at Tokyo Imperial University and entered the Asahi Shimbun Company. Known as an outstanding Japanese novelist of the Meiji and Taisho periods.
  • ink/gold dust on paper with cloud pattern, unmounted
  • 36 × 6 cm(artwork)
  • very minor traces of bookworms on paper
Price 180,000Yen
Season spring
Period Late Edo(1800-1867),Meiji(1868-1911),Taisho(1912-1925)

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