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Hanging scroll
Murai Eishunken, Hayashisugawara Kazuyuki
Kitano Shrine and Portrait of Sugawara Michizane
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Hanging scroll
Pine Trees and Cranes
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Hanging scroll
Fugai Honko
Juro and Tortoise, Spring and Autumn Landscape, with self-inscription (1841)
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Hanging scroll
Goshun, Ishida Yutei
Young Pine at Sunrise, Calligraphy, Rock and Mushrooms
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Hanging scroll
Inzan Ien
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Hanging scroll
Torei Enji
Gourd, with self-inscription
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Hanging scroll
Manzan Dohaku
Figure, Tiger and Dragon
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Hanging scroll
Gento Sokuchu
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Hanging scroll
Ishiguro Renshu
Drinking Old Man with Red Hood (1967)
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Hanging scroll
Ungo Kiyo
Calligraphy about Hotei
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Hanging scroll
Karasuma Mitsuhiro
Waka - Japanese Poems
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Kawai Gyokudo
Bon Dance